The most common heat sinks for thermal management today. Usually supplied with a “finish”, such as anodizing, to enhance its thermal performance. Also supplied with a chromate finish, which provides corrosion protection, or as a primer before a final paint / powder coating is applied. While each extruded shape is unique to the requirements it was designed for, extruded heat sinks are the most cost-effective cooling solution! Each shape is engineered to achieve optimal thermal and structural performance.
Can be an alternative to extrusion or skived, when looking for high density structure. Unlike skived fin, a zipper fin heat sink is an assembly of a base and a fin stack that are soldered or bonded together. Zipper fins are often used with a base plate or heat pipes.
This type of construction is generally found in CPU coolers. Zipper fins are manufactured from copper, aluminum, or a mix of different materials within a fin stack. The finish is either nickel plate or a chromate, both improve thermal performance and provide environmental protection.
Skived Fin heat sinks are an alternative to extruded heat sinks when looking for a fin density isn’t achieved by extrusion technology. Skived heat sinks are manufactured from copper or aluminum and usually have 0.5 (0.020”) thick fins.
A heat pipe is a copper tube with an internal wick structure, with a small amount of water inside. There are many types of wick structures, and they are generally classified as grooved, mesh, powder, and hybrid.
A grooved heat pipe is a copper tube with a series of shallow grooves around the internal perimeter of the heat pipe. Grooved pipes can be used in horizontal orientations but are very limited in performance if used 15° out of horizontal.
A mesh heat pipe is a smooth walled copper tube with a woven copper mesh installed along the interior of the pipe. It is designed to remain in contact with the walls of the pipe in areas where the pipe may be bent or flattened. Mesh pipes can be used in horizontal and 30° out of horizontal orientations.
A powder wick heat pipe can also be known as a sintered heat pipe. Sintered pipes can efficiently move water and can be used horizontally, vertically, and at all points in between, including upside down.
The performance (amount of heat transferred) of a heat pipe is a function of its length, diameter, wick structure, and overall shape. The larger the diameter, the more power that can be transported, but the longer the length, the less capable the pipe.
Sintered heat pipes are better than meshed, which are better than grooved. Heat pipes can be bent and flattened in order to move the heat where needed or to fit into smaller spaces. In cases where the amount of heat to be transported is too great for a single pipe, multiple pipes can be used in parallel and series to move more heat over greater distances.
Liquid cooling is just like forced convection in that fluid is forced through the system by an external source like a pump. While most applications use water or water/glycol mixtures as the primary fluids, any liquid can be used, including liquid refrigerants, fluorocarbons, gasoline, hydraulic fluid, or oil to name a few. Liquids are more efficient then forced air because the specific heat of liquid is higher than the specific heat of air and just like forced air cooling, liquid cooling is most efficient if the fluid is turbulent. However, turbulent flow puts a strain on the pump.
There are various methods of construction which can be used on liquid cold plates to minimize the strain of the pump and still achieve the required thermal performance.
Wedgelock card retainers offer the highest locking force available for cold wall applications. In a typical application they will mount either directly to the PCB or to a heat frame assembly. When expanded, the wedgelock will clamp the PCB in place providing resistance to shock and vibration as well as a thermal path for heat transfer between the PCB and the cold wall.
Available in various profiles & allow for configurable length, mounting and plating selections.
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